Tuesday 24 March 2009

Thurday afternoon- final touches

Thursday afternoon in my photography lesson the internet on the computers wasn’t working so I asked my teacher if I could go and do my media coursework as the dead line was TOMORROW! He said that was fine so I took off for the Mac computer room and again discovered the room filled with media students working on their films. I stuck around for a bit and saw that the teacher instructed some students to leave as they had been using the computers for a long period time and that it was not fair on others. I jumped for the chance to use the computer and called up my group member and asked her to meet me in the media computer room. I started without her and began to add text and add some transitions. When she had arrived we came up with a title for the film which was ‘Taken’. We did some more editing and decided that the other group members would have to finish it off as we had no college on Fridays. The other members said that this was fine so we left as the day was ending.

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