Tuesday 31 March 2009

For our project we wanted a location that is quite with swings a Children’s play area and we would like it if it was raining. We also where looking for a place where has some trees to make the area look dark and like something is going on to make scary. We wanted kid on the film because some thriller films have kids on their films they make you fill some type of attachment to them and something happens to them and you get scared. Also we wanted to edit some clips into black and white to show a flash back.
Aware first day going out filming didn’t go as planned. It started of good we had completed couple of good shots and as planned we had lots of ideas and as we went along more ideas stared to came. We wanted a scary location to start filming and we wanted something that was close to college and we thought of a park near a church the site was what we wanted. That day was raining it fitted with our films theme so we started filming and it came to 4 o’clock and than a park guard cam and he told us that it was closing time so we had to leave.
Second day filming was cold and but it was not raining like last time, we had to hold the umbrella to hide the camera which was hard to two things at once we did not want to use this shots because they were not too good. So we went back to the park and we started filming we shot the same angel more than once. Also we did more than we should off because after we filmed around the whole scene we did 360 degrees and then we remembered the 180 degree rule. We knew that it will be hard to edited the film as they are swinging because they kept changing their speed on the swing. Then we did some tracking and we took some time doing a shot where shabaze and Prassures cross on the road. We leant one thing from our previse filing days and that is you can never redo a shot to many times. So we tried to take 3 shots in every scene we have never did this much filming before every one was happy at the end of the day.
Today we are going to do the bus stop scene every was excited because today will be the last day filming. The day was great what we wanted, all the days that we went out filming went as we wanted. Before we went out filming we had to print a picture of Asia and Prassures so we can do the flash back of the film. We had some trouble with the busses and time we took one shot and the it came out good so wanted to take it again and it took too long for the buss to cam. At the end was relieved that we fished filming but we knew the hard work was still too came.
Today is the first day editing the movie we went to the media office and booked a camera to log and capture our film after we are finished log and capture our film we went through the videos and started to delete some videos that we did not need or don’t look good. Then we started edited the bus stop scene as we went along we were thinking of how to arrange the videos and we decided to put some of the bus stop scene at the begging and at the end in the middle we started to put the park scene.
Wednesday morning we went prepared for editing we had couple of ideas on how to put the order of the clips we started to put the film on order and then we thought that we was almost finished so we asked one of the media teachers to view our film and give us feedback on the film and they said that the villain of the film was hard unidentified and they suggested to go and do two more close up shots one of them was outside the park to show the flash back and the other one on the bus stop. Then we took back the camera back to the media office and decided to finish editing on Monday .

Me and shabaze met and then we went to the media room and took out the camera to log and capture our new shots of that we did the one in the bus stop and the park. We started to log and capture the new clips this made the film better for the audience they would now know how the bad guy is. We could not stay long because we had a lesson so we decide to meet up early in the morning we decide to be there before 9 o’clock I was the first one there so I took a computer and waited for shabaze to come.
Friday was the worst day so much pressure on me and shabaze the room was to hot and the were computer over crowded me and shabaze decide to finish the edit ding the film first. After that we went onto finishing the text that was hard we had to look at all the effects and check what we might go with our film and the other hard part was what to Wright and what to name the film we wanted to change the privies title we thought it was to bate. After this cam the music it was fun but it took us about 2 hours to fish a 2minte worth of music. But the final peace was really good even when we shoud it to the class they liked the music and the match cats also the editing. What made our day that day was writing FINIHED on the wall.

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