Saturday 28 March 2009

Rain Works In Our Advantage

On Wednesday 28th January was the day of re-filming the flashback scene from the film. As stated on the previous post, filming received a huge setback as the filming location "church park" was being closed during filming. The weather was really miserable as it was earlier pouring with rain but I believe it worked to our advantage because of the content of the scene. As filming will be done in the morning, there will be no problem with time. I decided to change my costume, rather than wearing tracksuit bottoms, I decided to wear "street style" jeans which I believe will portray the villain more clearly. All members of the group arrived in the media studies classroom. We had a quick discussion about the agenda. I booked the filming equipment using my media studies card. We gathered the equipment and made our way to the location. The two female characters were already in their attire. I was also already in my costume but I received a black leather jacket from my group member Tarek to complete my "villain like" look. We began filming and as filming was progressing, the group was pleased with filming but not the weather. All members of the group done some filming to an extent. We finished filming the flashback scene and packed up our equipment and headed back to college. We were really pleased with our footage and made plans for the next scene of filming.

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