Saturday 28 March 2009

Editing Continues And New Close Up Shots

On a Wednesday we had a media studies lesson which we used to carry on with our editing. We got our equipment from the media studies office. We entered the editing suite and began editing. We linked shots together and we were really pleased with our match cutting shots. We showed our media studies teacher our progress. He pointed out the fact that there is no close up shots of the villian which will make it difficult for the audience to recognise the villian and will make it rather unrealisitic that Amy recognises the villian during the "bus stop" scene. After the media studies lesson finished me and my group member Tarek decided to shoot close up shots of the villian played by me. We booked the filming equipment and went to both locations which didn't seem a problem as both location were near each other. We finished both close up shots and returned to college pleased that due to the new shots our film would seem more realistic.

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