Sunday 29 March 2009

Once Upon A Kidnapper Hits The Vue Screen

On Thursday 17th March, the day was scheduled for our film "Once Upon A Kidnapper" which is a "PAST" production to be screened in Vue Cinema at the N1 Centre in Angel. I was really looking forward to this day as this is the day where we can rejoice at the making of our project. Also this was the chance to see other groups films so the day was to be "thriller packed" with films. I woke up early in the morning as the screening was scheduled at 09.15am. I made my way to the location full of excitement knowing my film will be shown on a cinema screen. We entered the cinema and sat at the front row. Everyone was full of excitement as the atmosphere was electric. I was watching several films from other groups and all films were received with positive responses. Then suddenly a familiar beat came and I realised that "Once Upon A Kidnapper" has hit the screen. This was a very proud moment for me and my group as all our hard work can be appreciated by being shown in such a respected cinema. Our film received rave cheers which immensely pleased. All films were shown and I believe all films were to a high standard. We exited the cinema full of happiness and joy.

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