Saturday 28 March 2009

Finally Filming Is Finished

On a Wednesday we had a morning media studies lesson. This was the day of our filming for the "bus stop" scene. I came to college with my attire as I will be starring in the scene. All group members arrived in the classroom. The other character in the scene Amy played by group member Precious also brought her attire as she will also be starring in the film. Before going to our location, we had to print a mini photo of Amy and Lucy to use as an prop. We done this and made our way to our location which as an nearby bus stop. We began filming and everything was going to plan, surprisingly even the weather. All members of the group participated in filming some footage. We finished filming and we were all rejoicing the fact that filming is finished. We returned to college to return the filming equipment. Even though we were happy, we knew that now the real work is about to begin with editing .

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