Saturday 28 March 2009

Once Upon A Kidnapper Is Created On Deadline Day "Halllelujah"

It was Friday the deadline day. We had to complete the film today or our project would be deemed a failure. As the other two group members had no college and had other commitments me and other group member Tarek took the responsibility to complete the film. Tarek arrived to college before me and got a computer quickly to begin as there was heaps of other students trying to complete their. I arrived to college and both of us began editing. We first completed the storyboard of the film. I decided to change the name of the film from "Taken" to "Once Upon A Kidnapper". This is because the name "Taken" is a common name and many other groups also used this as a film. Also the name was that of a recently released film. The latter name I believe is a very different and edgey name due to the play of words. However we realised that our film was over the 2 minute margin. Due to this we began shortening the film by cutting out shots and shortening the length of clips. Then we used "desaturate" effect to make the clips of the "flashback" scene black and white. After this we were pleased with our storyboard. After this we began creating credits with the software "LiveType". This was a long and difficult task but we continued to create credits. Once we created the credits we added them to the storyboard. We then went for a well deserved break to refresh our self for what would be a challenging day. We returned from break continuing to fix up minor bits which we believed were not useful for the film. After this we had our last but major task of creating a soundtrack for the film. We used the software "Soundtrack Pro" to create the soundtrack. It was really difficult to make a soundtrack and we often had to start from scratch. However we finally completed the soundtrack and added it to our storyboard. We finally done it, we completed our film. We then uploaded our film to blogger as instructed. After this I went to the editing suite and wrote very boldly and large "FINISHED" on the sheet. It was official then our project was completed, "Once Upon A Kidnapper" was finally created. After all the hard work I was pleased that I was apart of creating such an interesting project.

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