Wednesday 4 February 2009

Thriller Task

As part of my task i have been placed into a group to complete a opening to a film of thriller genre. Before starting the thriller task i was taught in lessons about film and technical work. I had to watch and analyse the thriller film "The Shining". Also I watched opening scenes of films. These were films such as 28 Days Later, Arlington Road etc. After completing these introductory lessons we started our thriller task.

On the first lesson I was placed into a group consisting of four people. I was pleased with the group i was given because I believe my partners are hard working individuals. Our first task was to create thriller film scene. We were given a scenario by our teacher which is a individual reading a newspaper. We had to make this scenario thrilling which will interest the audience. After discussing with the group, we decided on how to make the scene thrilling. We also discussed on what camera shots will be used in our scene. Our last discussion was based on what costume should be used. The following lesson we created our scene and we used the college as the location for the scene.

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