Tuesday 17 February 2009

Planning and Pitching final thriller task

In our next lesson we were given the opportunity to start planning for our two minute opening clip for a thriller film. We were also told that we would have to pitch our idea in front of the class and teachers as we wanted to get into the spirit of professionalism, like writers for a film would do in front of producers.

Pitching wasn’t our main concern but the content of the pitch was. We decided to break down every detail so the audience could get a clear understanding of the storyline while at the same time we decided to leave them in suspense. We did the pitch along with a PowerPoint presentation as it gave the audience something visual to follow. We added pictures, a list of all the angle shots, a brief out line of the story and characters and the name of the film. The name of the film was not to our satisfaction so, it is still being developed on.

After creating the pitch, the following lesson we were the first to present our idea in front of the class. This was easy as our group were confident and had a well spoken member in our group. We got some positive feed back from the class and offers in lending us costumes.

Our final idea includes:
Characters: Lucy and Amy
Location: Church Park, Bus stop
Mise en scene: Swings
Sound: Lucy and Amy’s voice of laughter, creek of swings, self made soundtrack

We also had to create a storyboard that would help us keep up with what to film.

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