Tuesday 17 February 2009

Filming for the Preliminary task

We began to film for our Preliminary task. We started our task by collecting the necessary tools such as the camera and tripod. We then went to our first chosen location and set up the equipment, which we decided on from our previous lesson. Everything went smoothly apart from the fact that people were using the staircase which meant that we had to wait for them to pass by then start again. We also had to make sure the actor was walking up the stairs at a steady and continuous paste. We then moved on to filming in the corridor which was much busier than the staircase which was slightly frustrating as we had to start over and over again however, we got the final footage. We then began to film the actor walking into the room but pressing a code to get into the room to make it seem more ‘top secret’. This was an issue as the teachers refused to give us the code due to certain reasons. We then came to a solution, as always, and put the door on the latch. However, even this was an issue as when pressing the buttons the door would open. This was soon resolved. Filming in the room was much easier as everyone was out of our way and it could be done to our satisfaction. After capturing our footage we watched it over on the camera to make sure we had got the shot/reverse shot and match cut.

Our filming was successful because everyone was focused and much more confident with how to use the equipment. We knew the shot types and angles that we had to do because of our very detailed storyboard which was kept on us at all times. I’ve learnt that planning is highly important as it is that which decides how well the task will turn out.

This film was very fun for the whole group as it allowed us to think out of the box. After this task I was eager to start our final thriller task.

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