Wednesday 18 February 2009

Filming for the final Thriller Opening (AGAIN!)

Once again, first thing in the morning we set out to film with all the equipment making sure that the park wouldn’t let us down. The weather was appalling and we all felt grumpy and down. There was a change of costume however, the hats and scarves remained. It was much more difficult to film in such poor conditions as we had to prevent the equipment from getting wet as well as keeping the camera steady and levelled. All four of us couldn’t stop thinking about warming ourselves up with central heating and eating hot food. With our bodies stiff and cold, we did all the filming we possible could need. All four of us made our way back to the college to return the equipment and treasure the recording tape.

We had a quick discussion before parting that we would do the second half of the scene next lesson. We sorted out costumes and location once again then took off.

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