Thursday 26 February 2009

Second half of the filming

9.00am: We all meet up and leave to do the second half of the filming. We already knew what bus stop we were going to use and decided when arriving to our location that we would use a near by building from which the actor would leave out of. This scene was fairly simple and straight forward but required patience as the roads were busy because people were making their way to work which made us have to repeatedly take shots making sure that it was what we pictured it to be like. The part when one of the actors gets on bus was a slight issue as the busses kept stopping too far from the bus stop or too close to the camera. We constantly took re-takes of the scene and settled on the last take. The weather was great which allowed us to take many shots from different angles in one go, without having to worry about whether it was going to rain. Once again after all our hard work, we headed back to college.

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