Tuesday 17 February 2009

Editing tutorial and Editing of The Newspaper thriller task

The lesson after our filming for the Newspaper thriller task we began editing all the filming we had captured on tape by transferring our recordings into software called final cut pro which was specifically used for film making. We learnt to do this in our editing tutorial which took place before filming. During the tutorial we used clips from a film and stuck the clips together in different ways as long as it made visual sense. By the end of the editing tutorial, I felt as if I had enough practice from cutting clips or making them slightly longer to be able to work with my group on our Newspaper thriller task. Whilst editing I often became confused with what icons to click as many looked the same. We also had a go of adding dissolving techniques which basically introduced another scene however, came to a decision that it did not suit the filming. Whilst editing we also realised that we had some footage missing that would have made the task look better however, with the brains of Mickey (media technician) we came to a solution which was to do a reverse clip of the automatic doors closing so it would look as though it was opening and closing.

In my opinion, the most difficult part of editing is making the clips run smoothly and effortlessly. I think that if all footage was recorded properly and knowingly, the clip would have looked better. Overall, I think that it was a really good first attempt and I am looking forward to our final thriller task.

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